Sunday, August 30, 2009

Paralyzed By Choices

I recently left a job that I had held for 4.5 years. To my great astonishment, my colleagues presented me with a gift certificate for Williams-Sonoma as a parting gift. Everybody knows how much I like to cook and eat, so it was apparently the most obvious choice.

In these lean economic times, gift certificates are much appreciated. Trouble is, I become paralyzed by the number of options available to me in spending it. Do you buy a whole bunch of little things, or do you put it towards the cost of a single, expensive item? Do you get something you really need or do you get something frivolous that you would never have bought on your own dime?

My initial thought was that I'd like a meat grinder. I don't mean the electric kind, but a really old-fashioned, hand-cranked grinder (see the squeaky, unattractive grinding process in the video below). Not very sexy, but I find that I can't always get my hands on the ground meats I want. If I can grind my own poultry, or make a mixed grind, that would save me a lot of trouble.

Sadly, Williams-Sonoma only has the electric kind and they ain't cheap.

So what do I do with $80 CAD? Pretty much anything would make me happy because kitchen gadgets to me are like toys to a toddler. One caveat: I can't get any large, hefty gear because my kitchen is tiny and I am all out of storage/counter space. I'd like to hear YOUR ideas.


Gila Pyke said...

DO you have a pasta machine? I'm a huge fan of mine, and have had a lot of silly fun making all sorts of noodles.

mugino said...

I did consider a pasta machine, especially since I've never made my own pasta (assuming gyoza skins don't count). Hmmm... so many toys, so little cash.

Gila Pyke said...

If you want to test one out and see if you like it, you're welcome to borrow ours...