Sunday, June 21, 2009

Favorites: Apple Mustard

As I've written before, I can't resist a farmer's market. It has an energy and color that stirs my culinary imagination.

My first market visit of the season led me to the Brantview Farms stall. The farm (or I should say "orchard"), located in St. George, Ontario, specializes in a wide variety of beautifully grown apples and apple products. A friend pointed out their English Style Apple Mustard.

It was love at first taste. There is a nice hit of spicy, tangy, and sweet flavors. It is firm, but not overpowering. I've had it as a dip with pretzel sticks and pepperettes, I've used it in sandwiches, I've had it with pork sausages... It's only been two weeks but I am already halfway through the jar. Most mustard containers take me a long time to finish. I have a feeling I'll be back at the market for more.

The good-humored Brantview folks will be at Nathan Phillips Square every Wednesday from June until Thanksgiving. Their other market appearances around Ontario are posted online.

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