Another deterrent was the fact that I had ambitious plans for this first post upon my return -- ambitions that weren't matched by my energy level or mental capacity. Winter has descended upon us and this season has a way of sucking the life out of me.

Regrettably, some foul first-hand experiences with crime as well as second-hand reports of incidents from colleagues left a bitter aftertaste. It threatened to spoil the entire experience for me and now I'm not so sure I would want to go back there a third time.
Which would be a real shame given that the sins of the few shouldn't damn everybody or everything.

The word "tapas" originates from "tapar", which means "to cover" in Spanish. (Spanish-speakers, please correct me immediately if I'm talking out of my ass.) The consumption of tapas is inextricably linked to the imbibing of alcohol. In my research, I've consistently come across two stories about the origin of tapas: (1) the practice was decreed in the 13th century by King Alfonso X of Castile (aka Alfonso the Wise) who credited his recovery from an illness to a diet of small portions and wine; consequently, wine could no longer be served anywhere in the land without a bite of food, and (2) it became customary to cover a glass of wine with a slice of bread or cheese, either to keep out offending contaminants like sand or bugs, or to hold in the funky smell of bad wine. While I like anyone who advocates drinking wine, I think I prefer the second explanation. El mundo de las Tapas has a much more detailed history of tapas (and recipes!) for anyone interested in reading further.

Spaniards don't have a patent on the idea of serving several small dishes instead of one heavy meal. The Chinese have dim sum (I'm planning to take a dim sum cooking course next year!). Greeks, Cypriots, Turks, Lebanese, Albanians, Serbians and Bulgarians have meze or mezze. Filipinos have pica-pica and coincidentally, even a cured beef dish called tapa. Japanese kaiseki cuisine has a tapas-like structure, consisting of an array of small dishes; Japanese pottery is resplendent with gorgeous, tiny plates designed specifically for this.
And why shouldn't this be a global phenomenon? Eating lots of small dishes throughout the day is accepted by many as a healthier alternative to overloading on food three times a day. I think smaller portions also force you to stop and taste what you're putting in your mouth. You can't just scarf it down. Like a Fabergé egg, there's something precious and charming about a small thing that still requires as much effort and skill to prepare as something bigger.
My friend Ireen has taken beautiful photographs of the food we had in Barcelona. She's a far more skilled photographer than I am, so hopefully she'll either post them publicly or let me post a few here for your enjoyment. I'll keep you posted.
Finally I could read your comment about your trip. Welcome home and enhoy snowy weather.
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