The problem with living alone, especially if you enjoy cooking, is using up all your groceries before they go bad. There are days when I am forced to polish off the leftovers or unused scraps of food before heading out for any more provisions.
I had five eggs on the verge of expiry. I already had two eggs the day before. I had no flour so I couldn't bake a cake. What to do?

I decided to make a frittata, using up all my leftovers. I thinly sliced some waxy yellow potatoes and lined a pie plate with it. I had enough to lay down two layers, then sprinkled freshly ground salt, pepper, sumac, and drizzled a bit of oil. I roasted the potatoes in the oven until soft. Then I layered some baby spinach, shredded chicken meat left over from cooking the
chicken stock, and torn sprigs of rosemary. Over all of this, I poured the five eggs, lightly mixed. I considered the dish done when the egg had set. As a finishing touch, I sprinkled some crumbled blue cheese.
So how did it taste? It looks yummy.
It turned out quite well. Of course, it tasted best when it had just come out of the oven. Reheating it in the microwave after the fact just isn't the same. But it kept me fed for four meals and I still have one more serving left. Not bad for table scraps.
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